Royal Yorkleigh Childcare Centres are open Monday - Friday, from 7:00 am - 6:00 pm. We are closed on the following statutory holidays during the year: New Year’s Day Family Day Good Friday
Easter Monday Victoria Day
Simcoe Day Canada Day
Labour Day Thanksgiving Day
Remembrance Day Christmas Day Boxing Day
Vacation: Provided your child is enrolled in FULLTIME care (5 days, Monday – Friday) you are entitled to two (2) weeks vacation, when your child is not in attendance, each calendar year without payment of your usual fee.
For all other days (extra vacation, sick, statutory holidays) you are responsible for payment at your usual rate.
We also offer before & after care for elementary school kids: specifically 1) before and after school and 2) full day care, during days when elementary school is closed.
Cancellation: We require 30 days notice for withdrawal from the Centre.